***Breaking News***

Thursday, 31 December 2020


Wednesday, 30 December 2020

New check in procedures

 Hello everyone.  Just in case we thought we knew how to keep pace with everything, we have a new check in procedure at bowls as of 1st January.  You will be receiving an email from Breakers and another one from me , setting out new procedures.  Don’t get too worried.  If you can download NSW Services App you are nearly there!  Our “buddy” system will work with this too. We just need to sort out the weather forecast for Tuesday and we will be right.  

Happy New Year to you all ,🎆 

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Christmas wishes

 Merry Christmas to all the members of Breakers Women’s Bowling Club and your families.  We have certainly come through some difficult times this year and sadly , it looks as if we are not quite through the tunnel yet!  However, I congratulate and thank you all for the support you have shown each other through these tricky times. 

 May you enjoy your Christmas, hopefully with a WA lobster and a bottle of Australian wine.  Best wishes to you all and see you on the green at Breakers in the near future.  I am sure there will be some interesting stories to share. 

Merry Christmas


Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Wet weather

 Good morning everyone.  No bowls today as it is too wet.  Good day to catch up on the pile of books next to the bed!

On a sad note, one of our former members and a Sunday social bowler, Wendy Brennan ,passed away last Saturday after a long battle with cancer.  In recent years Wendy bowled at Terrigal but joined us at Breakers for bowls on a Sunday morning.  I would like to send our condolences to her family on behalf of Breakers Women’s Bowling Club.  

Monday, 7 December 2020

Tuesday 8 th December

 Hi Everyone,

We will be bowling all through December and hope you can all join us.   Visitors welcome so just click on the tab on our blog site and fill out your details. Mufti , Xmas, social attire of any description that will keep,you sun safe and cool is the order of the day. 

Hope to see you here


Friday, 4 December 2020


Tuesday, 1 December 2020

 We were all COVID safe in our Xmas masks today. Thanks everyone for joining in the fun. 

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

2020 Christmas Party

 No bowls next week as we will be celebrating at our Xmas party.  It has crept up on us very quickly and soon it will be December.

Arrive at Breakers 11.30 with main meal being served at 12 noon.  Enjoy the festivities . Bring along a decorated mask if you want to join in the fun. Remember it has to start its mask life as a simple disposable one. Will be great to see what you come up with. 

We will continue to bowl right through December with no breaks so come along and join in. Just continue to enter through the sign in button on the club site. Thanks everyone for your support during the year and looking forward to celebrating with you 


Summer Shield winners

 Summer shield 2020

Our Summer Shield , which was sponsored by Carol Allis, was played today in gusty conditions.  The teams were put together by a blind draw and all teams played 2 games of 3 bowl triples of 9 ends each. Both scores were added together and the team with the highest total was declared the winner.

Carol was on hand to award the trophy and prize money to Sue Perdriau, Margaret Lind and Narelle O’Dwyer. Well played everyone .

Thank you to Carol for her sponsorship and to the selectors, Sue, Sally and Anne .

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Sunday Mixed Bowls - registrations online!

From 23rd November, 2020, we must register online for ALL bowls games including Sunday Mixed. You can use our Player Register to do this from today. Please help your friends who don’t have access to PC or smart phones.

Please enter your name before 6.00PM Saturday before play.

Sunday Mixed Social Bowls times are 9.30am till 12.30pm every Sunday. Please check in at Golf Pro Shop at 9.00am. Pay and get your temperature checked as required by our Covid-19 Safe Policy.

Enjoy your game of bowls and stay safe.

Registrations for Sunday 29th November are open now.

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Birthday wishes

 No bowls today so a wish for a very happy birthday to Anne Nichols.  Her special day is 28th  October so we all hope you have a great birthday and are treated to something special to celebrate. 🎂🥂🎂🥂🎶🎶

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Club Pairs

Entries for our Club Pairs have opened and we would like as many people as possible to put their names down. Your match committee is ready and raring to go - they just need entries.

The closing date is 3/11/20 ( Melbourne Cup day) and play commences the next week 10/11/20. The format is 4 bowl pairs - 2-2-2-2 , with 18 ends played .

You can ring Kim, Toni or myself to make any enquires.  


Thursday, 22 October 2020

Triples final played today

  Extremely proud and happy to play with these 5 women in the final of the 2020 Club Triples today. It was a great game with everyone  having good games. Great bowling conditions and we treated the spectators to an entertaining game.  My team of Margaret Lind and Denise Wickman got away to a bit of a start but Pam Brann put down some lovely lead bowls for her team.  Toni Hosking was always a danger with some accurate shots to take away our bowls and Judy Cameron led them really well and gave us quite a scare towards the end of the game with some accurate draw bowls. Luckily, we were able to hold them off and had a final score of 24/19.  Big thankyou to all the Match Committee for organising our first competition back from our COVID Break and to Sue Staples , Linda McGrath and Dave Harvey for helping out with umpiring. 

Looking forward to Club Pairs which is now open.  Ring Kim or put your name down next week.

Margaret Hickman 

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

 No bowls today. Too wet on the green.  Triples final will be played on Thursday. 

Friday, 16 October 2020

Set your alarms

 As of Tuesday 20th October, we can access the Club from 9am. You still need to pay and have temperature check at the Pro shop so arrive early to do that and then come and join us in our old bowls room from 9 am for a cup of tea ( we hope ) and a chat before going out to the green at 9.30 am. Fingers crossed for good weather - see you all there!

Monday, 12 October 2020

Club triples

 Club Triples will start this Tuesday 13th October.  There will be social play as well for those members not entered in Triples. Looks like great bowling weather so see everyone tomorrow.

Saturday, 26 September 2020

Breakers Women’s’ Bowls Committee 2020

It gives me great pleasure to present your new committee to you. We have finalised some positions now. 

President. - Margaret Hickman

Vice President - Phyllis Betterridge

Secretary - Sue Perdriau

Treasurer - Rhonda Bosden 

Match - Kim Trethewy ( Chair ) , Toni Hosking

Selection - Sue Staples ( Chair ),  Sally Murphy, Anne Nichols

Social - Pam Brann ( Chair) , Betty Troy, Margaret Lind, Denise Wickman, Sandra Bramall

Patron - Bette Townsend 

Thank you and congratulations to everyone and we look forward to organising and promoting your Club in any way we can .


Thursday, 24 September 2020

Susie’s Turn around Triples

 The day was fine and the wind was a bit unpredictable but everyone had a good time on the green trying out new roles for 6 ends each. Thank you to Sue Staples for sponsoring this event.  It does make you appreciate what is involved in each position. 

Sunday, 20 September 2020

Suzie’s Turnaround Triples

 This Tuesday 22nd September is a Fun Day and we are playing Suzie’s Turnaround Triples, which is sponsored by Sue Staples.

We play 18 ends of 3 bowl triples. The draw is a blind draw.


1. No dead ends - if jack is out of bounds it is replaced on the T.

2. You change player position every 6 ends ( keep reading - it’s not too hard)

3. The cards will be marked in 6 end groups.

4. Start the game as per the cards then after 6 ends, the lead goes to second, the second goes to skip and skip goes to lead . Keep rotating in this way every 6 ends.

5. The FIRST SKIP keeps the card.

6. SCORING - highest score is the winner. If there is a tie, the winner of last end is declared the winner.

7. If anyone is having trouble measuring, please ask a team mate to help you .

It’s a fun day, so please ask if you have any questions .

Sue Staples.🥳🥳🥳

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Winter Shield 2020

 Our Winter Shield was held today with plenty of members vying for the shield. The weather was beautiful and it was a lovely day on the green.  The winners for this year were Carol Russell and Gaie Keating. They received the trophy from Betty Troy.  Betty and her late husband , Alan , have sponsored this event for many years which we really appreciate. 

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Club triples

 Entry for Club Triples is now open.  Could a member of the team please message me your names or send an email to Sue Perdriau or bring it with you next Tuesday. Entries close on 6th October , 2020. Remember we will play Tuesday AND Thursday for the Triples. First playing day is 13th October,2020. 

Winter Shield is next week. Enter via club website as usual. Just check that the correct date 15th September is there before you press submit button. Please remember that the Winter Shield is a pairs game.  The draw is a blind draw done by Selection On the day - you do not have to have organised a team.

President’s Round Robin  is on again on 17 th September.  We are up to Round 3 but you don’t have to have played in the first 2 rounds to join in now. Ask next week if you want to know anything. 




 Our AGM was held today and a big thankyou to all the members who attended. Great support from you all.  Nice conditions for a game after the meeting so all in all , a great day.  A final list of your new committee will be published after we have finalised a few positions, but it is all looking very positive.

Congratulations to everyone and see you on 👏the green soon 


Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Super social Sunday bowls

 Sunday bowls  is well and truly BACK.  Please ring or SMS Sue Staples 0407912294before 8.30 am on Sunday.  You can ,of course, contact her before that. 

We will be bowling next Sunday , Father’s Day if you are not involved with other celebrations.

Good news for this week

 Firstly, Happy birthday to Helen Tristram for this Friday 4th September.  Best wishes from everyone Helen.

It has taken members a little while to feel comfortable coming back to bowls but we are really happy with the number of members who have bowled over the last few Tuesdays. Plenty of sunshine as well and no wind today which made for a lovely day.  At our Committee meeting today, it was decided to post our Club Triples. We will start taking entries from 8/9/20, close entries on 6/10/20 and commence competition on 13/10/20. Remember , we do play TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS for competitions. We hope there will be lots of entries.

As well, Winter shield will be played on 15/9/20  and Suzie’s Turn around Triples on 22/9/20.  No special entries needed for these, just put your name down on website as we do for normal Tuesday bowls.

As you can see, we are getting back to normal ( well, Covid normal) which highlights the need for people to put their hand up with Expressions of Interest at AGM NEXT TUEDAY. It will be greatly appreciated by everyone if you think you can fill a vacancy.

Thanks again everyone for your support and we hope to see you at the AGM next week. Arrive at Breakers at 10 and come in to our old bowling room. We will be bowling afterwards so bring your gear if you want to stay.

Cheers everyone


Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Happy birthday

Birthday wishes for Lyn Batten this week. We hope your birthday is full of good wishes and celebrations Lyn. 🥂🥂🎂🎂

Monday, 24 August 2020

News for you

 Roll up vouchers.

Breakers Country Club has advised that they will be giving out $10 vouchers to any one who books a roll up.  You need to pay $10 for your roll up and $10 will be added onto your Breakers Card. The voucher is valid for the day you receive it so your cup of coffee or cold drink after  your roll up would be free if you choose to use it.  

Breakers  Bowling Club Spring Carnival.

The date for this Carnival is confirmed now as 26/9/20 and you need to pay $16 to enter , which includes your lunch.  2 games of 13 ends and you can put your name down via their website.  There is a limit on numbers.  See me tomorrow if you need more information.

Friday, 21 August 2020

President’s Round Robin 2

 Thank you to the members who came down last Thursday to compete in PRR Round 2 .  Quick greens and blustery wind but a good day.  Round 3 is on 17th September and open to everyone. You don’t have to have played the previous rounds.  Prize money up for grabs ! I hope to see you there.


Thursday, 13 August 2020

News and information

 Hello everyone,

Some very important birthdays coming up before we meet again next Tuesday. Rhonda Bosden for 15/8 and Sandra Brand for the following day. Happy birthday girls!

A save the date for you - Breakers Bowling Club is holding a Spring Carnival on Saturday 26th September and our members are invited. Write it down in your  diary.  As more information on entry dates comes to hand I will pass it on.

Please keep thinking about vacancies on our committees. We work well together and “many hands make light work” as the saying goes.

Good reports back from people who played last Tuesday. After  you have had your temp checked etc at Pro Shop, we have access to Deck Bar before we bowl which was good last week. Just some time to say hello and keep in touch. 

Stay safe everyone and hope to see you all on the greens soon 


Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Bowls is on!

 Good morning everyone. The greens are fine and bowls is on. Search for those hand warmers and warm socks.  Good chance to practise on slower greens. 😀

Monday, 10 August 2020

If there is wet weather

 Hi everyone.  If you decide not to play tomorrow, can you ring me so I can give Carol that information.  I will get a report from the greenkeeper and let you all know if there will be play or not.  Fingers crossed and search out those winter woollies! 


Thursday, 6 August 2020

President’s Round Robin Round 2

Next game in this competition is on Thursday 13 th August. I had the wrong date in previous post. This competition will ALWAYS be on a Thursday. Let me know by Wednesday night before if you want to play.

Sunday, 2 August 2020

Sunday bowls

The start of a new week and some good news. Sunday bowls will be starting back next Sunday , 8th August. Hard to believe we are into August isn’t it?  
For those of you who want to play, you need to ring or message Sue Staples on 0407 912 294 by 8.30 am on Sunday. Play will start at 10 am and you need to go to Pro shop and pay and have your temp taken.  You can also email him on snoozen70@gmail.com

Tuesday bowls is looking good with very kind weather forecasts for us this week. The greens are behaving beautifully so make sure you put your name down if you can.    Barb Hilliard is the first of our birthdays for this month.  Her birthday is on 8/8/20. 🎂🎂🎂

Don’t forget to have  your nominations for committee positions in by this Tuesday as they close on 4/8/20. Thank you to all those people who have nominated for positions.   We have not been overwhelmed with nominations , But I think that is because you are all holding off till the closing date , so if you think you can help in any way , but on selection or match in particular, please see Kim or me for information .  You will not be alone, and your existing committees are making sure procedures are up to date for the incoming teams. 

Thanks everyone and I hope to see you all on Tuesday 

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Wet weather

Good morning everyone🎶.“ It’s raining , it’s pouring “ 🎶here at Wamberal. Greens are underwater so no bowls today. Fingers crossed for next week.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Round 1 President’s Round Robin

Round 1 played today and 6 players took to the rinks to try their hand at some singles play. Thankyou for trying out a new format. The feeling was that it was a good concept so hopefully some more players will join this band of players and have a go in Round 2. Remember , you don’t have to play all rounds if you don’t want to.  Round  2 scheduled  for 11 th August and is open to everyone. 👏👏👏

Monday, 20 July 2020

Birthdays this week

Hello everyone,
I am getting in early this week to send birthday greetings to Jan Curtis for 23rd July and to Jill Emmerson for the next day, 24th July. Best wishes from everyone to you both and we hope you enjoy your day. Nearly forgot one more - Phyllis Betterridge is celebrating her birthday on 23rd July as well.

Thursday, 16 July 2020

President's Round Robin

In your Club diaries, you will see that next Tuesday 21st July, is the closing date for some competitions.  We have had to postpone the pairs for the time being but we want to go ahead with President’s Round Robin. It’s a singles game. You play 2 games of 7 ends and mark 1 on the same day. Sounds complicated but not really. Round 1 on Thursday 23/7/20 .  If you want to play, can you ring , sms or email myself or Kim so we can see what the interest is like.
Thanks everyone

Birthday updates

I have been very slack with our July birthdays. Still a bit hard on Tuesdays to announce all the good news. I did just miss Louise Campbell for 14th july .Louise is taking a break from bowls but was a valued part of our bowling family  and Betty Troy is celebrating her big day TODAY!!!  16th July. Very happy birthday to both these girls from all of us at Breakers Women’s Bowling Club.

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Wet weather

Good morning everyone. As you would have worked out yourself I think, our East Coast Low has dumped too much rain for bowls to go ahead today. Greens are closed and probably looking a bit like a lake. More news next week.


Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Important Information For All Club Members

Hello everyone,

We have enjoyed being back on the green for the last 2 weeks and hopefully will continue to see you all coming out and enjoying being active and seeing friends. Please note the start time has been brought forward to 10 am so you can get there from  9.45 am.

You would all have received an email from Sue setting out the details of our AGM.  It is set down for Tuesday 8th September 2020 but note that the start time will be 10 am not 9 am. ( if we can do earlier start we will let you know)

Nominations for positions have opened and we are asking everyone to try and see what you can do to help out.  It is going to be HARDER to organise nominations this year as we are still negotiating some space in the Club.  Please ring sec Sue or me for more information.

It just means we have to think a bit more about how you can get your nominations in - it’s not impossible so PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU NEED FORMS. Contact Sue Perdriau and she can email you forms. Some of our long time office bearers are taking a well earned break so the opportunity is there for new faces. I would love you to think about it.  We will be there to help you!  You won’t have to do things on your own. Your completed form can be left at Breakers front desk. Nominations close on 4th August, 2020.

Hope to see you at bowls next week. We can meet upstairs after bowls , so come along for lunch and a chat if you would like.

Just before I close, I would like to give a big shout out to our two Club coaches, Sue and Carol.  We have a number of new players who have signed up for coaching and our coaches are doing an excellent job in giving them the skills to join in our Tuesday social games. One of those players, another Carol, joined in on Tuesday and had an excellent first game. We are very lucky to have players who are willing to give up their time and share their experience in preparing potential new club champions!


Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Monday, 29 June 2020

Return To Bowls

Hi everyone,

We are back to bowl at Breakers tomorrow, 30/6/20. I hope you all got email from Secretary Sue explaining some of the new things we need to do to comply with Breakers Country Club as well as WBNSW.   Enter on line through our blog site.

REMEMBER to renew your Club membership by 30/6/20  so you can come along to AGM which we are tentatively setting for 8 th September.  More information on nomination dates to follow.  We will give you plenty of time to decide what position you would like to nominate for. We need you!

As you would have read in the Minutes  from our last committee meeting, we have decided to withdraw our teams from the rescheduled 2020 District Pennant competition which has been reset to begin in August. We know there will be members who are disappointed, but we had to take into account Breakers Country Club’s ability to accomodate visiting teams and also the safety aspects of visiting other clubs and not knowing how long before this date, that we would get back to playing fours .
Thank you everyone for your support and patience while we have worked our way through this difficult time for all of us.  There appears to be light at the end of the tunnel now. ( let’s hope it’s not a train heading in our direction).


Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Let’s talk Bowls with Suzy


1..When stepping on the green..please step sideways onto the green...insuring that you don't accidently step onto a bowl resting on the green.

2..When you have delivered you bowl step forwards from the mat NEVER step  backwards, as you could trip on bowls behind you...

3..Place your bags under or behind the seats avoiding tripping over bags,  giving plenty of walking space around the.bank of the  rink .

3..Be aware of any dangerous spots on the bank ...ie..near score boards..slippery area around the bank..

4..Skips , when removing the mat from your rink of play  please insure the whole mat is on the bank and NOT hanging over the bank ...

5...Keep hydrated..just because it's winter we still need to drink plenty of fluids...don't forget to bring your water bottle....

6..When the bowls are been kicked back when the end is finished DONT try picking up your bowl until the kicking has stopped...avoiding hand injuries...

7..Prepare your self for the cold weather...A smart bowler who prepares for playing games in cold weather..by warming up...wearing the appropriate clothing , being aware of the conditions and the effect on the body temperature will be less likely to suffer a cold weather injury...

Let's enjoy bowls...

LETS LEARN LAWS...Rain Stoppage.

LAW 32.2

Q..After play has been stopped for 10 minutes due to rain, Skip A wants to continue the end where they left off, Skip B disagrees and says that the end has to be replayed...Who is correct ??

A..Skip B is correct... If an end has been started BUT all the required bowls have not been played, ( before the stoppage ) the end must be declared dead..even if one or more players choose to remain on the rink during the stoppage...

Hope to see you all soon on the green...

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Keeping in Touch 23/6/20

Good morning everyone.  The big news for today is that we will be returning to bowls next Tuesday. We have a committee meeting today to fine tune the way this can happen so look out for email in your inbox later this week setting out how this will happen.

No joke of the week today but a thought of the week instead.
“ if you rip a hole in a net there are actually fewer holes in it than there were before!”
Stay safe and watch for our email

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Keeping in Touch 16/6/20

Hello everyone,
Getting us all back on the greens is another step closer .  Good news last week that we can have 20 players on the green now .  We are hard at work , making sure we can organise a system that keeps everyone safe, abides by the restrictions but gives us an enjoyable experience on the green as well .  
Your support for our bowling club is more important than ever.  How can you show your support?  Let me show you the ways!
*Our AGM will be held as soon as we can - think about standing for a position. All spots are up for grabs.
* Renew your membership by end of June so you can vote at AGM.
* Be patient with us as we work our way forward but by all means, give us your suggestions.
* Book a roll up.
We have done a good job so far as a group of bowlers and look forward to getting those bowling arms, legs and brains on the move again. Time to get those bowls out of your bag, give them a good clean and polish, ready to dazzle us on Breakers Greens.

Joke time
I went to the beekeepers to buy some bees.  All the bees had price tags on them except one.
It was freebie!

Stay safe

Let’s talk Bowls with Suzy

Good morning all...Beautiful sunny morning sadly another Tuesday passes us by..BUT there is a light at the end of the tunnel....so let's keep focused....


What's the difference between..
Game Stoppages and Game interruptions.??

A Game Stoppage .
A game is stopped is because of Darkness, Weather conditions or any other valid reason by...
The controlling body...Law 32.1.1
The umpire after an appeal has been made by the players...Law 32.1.2
Agreement between the players when an Umpire or a Representative of the Controlling Body is not present....Law 32.1.3

The game should be continued on either the same day or a different day and the scores will be as they were when the game was stopped..

A game Interruption is when all players during bad weather  stop to go and get their raingear......as this was not called by the Controlling Body or Umpire....their end would continue as normal.....

Notes...by Lesley Swales..  Barbara Stonham and Sandra Jowett...umpire committee


The jack has been incorrectly delivered by both leads...A and B..skip A positions the jack on the T.....lead A repositions the mat....Lead B  believes the mat it is too short....

Q..Can the umpire be called ???

A.. Yes...The jack MUST be a legal length....
Re Law...6.1.1.. Player B must reposition the mat BUT not play first....Re Law 10.2

Happy learning...Laws can be fun...
Till next Tuesday...🌞

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Keeping in Touch 9/6/20

Another week has gone by which means it is one more week closer to going back to bowls!  Hopefully , we will hear some news about that soon.

Happy birthday to Pam Andrew for TODAY! We all hope you have a great day. Also, happy birthday to Barb Stratford for the 10th June. Hope you enjoyed your day.

I have been reading a book by Julia Baird called “ Phosphoresence” .  It is a kind of self help book, talking about her life and the things that she has found important.  A little phrase jumped out at me the other day .  “ Let tiny drops of stillness fall gently through my day “. We are living through some crazy times and we need to stop sometimes and think about all the good things we have.  Stop and take a breath! I am going to try .

Hope to see you out having a roll up soon.

Just so you are not too disappointed, I will finish with one of my very humorous contributions as no one has said “ Enough! “ yet.
“ My Himalayan friend has a bull that refuses to stand up.  You always see Himalayan there!”
One of my best I think!

Stay safe everyone

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Let’s talk bowls with Suzy

First Tuesday in June...where is this going...


Good morning girls....are you up and ready for Gentle Stretching and Exercising...

**  Always work at your own pace..

Gentle  Slow  and Easy exercises should not strain or tire you...it makes activities easier..
Below are illustrations of exercises for Bowls.. from ..Lawn Bowls by Bob Purcell...
Never exercise if you are not well..

Exercises shown below are examples only..
It is up to each individual If you want to try them ...
(Unable to upload the stretching photos to the website - go to our Facebook page for stretches.)


So what is Bowls Etiquette..

Friendly and sporting acts towards your teammates.
Be punctual and always welcome visitors.
Respect the laws of game and the roll of the official's,  umpires, markers.
Do not distract a bowler when they are about to play.
Watch your bowl until it stops and learn from the shot.
Commend your teammates, and opponents, when they play a good shot.
Admit a fluke shot when you play one and remember it when your opponent gets one later in the game.. Team members should NOT clap a
* lucky *  bowl - Re member it's a poor bowl with a great result...
Excuses for bad play should not be blamed on the conditions, these conditions are the same for everybody....
Keep silent while others are delivering.
NEVER clap an opponent if they knock their shot bowl away  and the give the shot to your team.
Remember that you get out of the game what you are prepared to put into it...

So let's play bowls and have fun...

NOTES FOR..Tips for good etiquette.. from  Bowls Plus..Oct/Nov 2018..


Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Keeping in touch 2/6/20

Good morning everyone. Very chilly today and we would all have been searching for our hand warmers if we Were out on the green.
Breakers Country Club has started emailing out our renewal notices. You can pay them on line or in person at the club Mon- Thurs between 12 and 4 pm or Thurs- Sunday 11pm till 6 pm.  No cash, just card . Remember you need to be financial to vote at AGM , which will be held as soon as possible once we get clearance to have a meeting.

Please take advantage of being able to roll up at Breakers. It’s a great way to show our support for our sport of bowls as well as helping to defray the costs for Breakers. I look every day for any changes from WBNSW and will let you know as soon as possible when they give us the go ahead.

Ok. Time for a joke :-
“ I hate spelling errors.  You mix up two letters and your whole post is urined “!
Stay safe everyone