We have enjoyed being back on the green for the last 2 weeks and hopefully will continue to see you all coming out and enjoying being active and seeing friends. Please note the start time has been brought forward to 10 am so you can get there from 9.45 am.
You would all have received an email from Sue setting out the details of our AGM. It is set down for Tuesday 8th September 2020 but note that the start time will be 10 am not 9 am. ( if we can do earlier start we will let you know)
Nominations for positions have opened and we are asking everyone to try and see what you can do to help out. It is going to be HARDER to organise nominations this year as we are still negotiating some space in the Club. Please ring sec Sue or me for more information.
Hope to see you at bowls next week. We can meet upstairs after bowls , so come along for lunch and a chat if you would like.
Just before I close, I would like to give a big shout out to our two Club coaches, Sue and Carol. We have a number of new players who have signed up for coaching and our coaches are doing an excellent job in giving them the skills to join in our Tuesday social games. One of those players, another Carol, joined in on Tuesday and had an excellent first game. We are very lucky to have players who are willing to give up their time and share their experience in preparing potential new club champions!