Our 2021 AGM , has been moved to 9th November because of number restrictions at BCC. Next Tuesday 26th October will see the running of Winter Shield. This is a pairs competition sponsored by Betty Troy . It will be 3 bowl pairs with teams formed by blind draw. Contact Sue Staples or myself if you were not at bowls today and want to play next Tuesday.
It was a lovely day for bowls today and great to see so many members eager to get back to bowls . We were finally able to finalise our club triples ( held in Jun) by presenting the winners Margaret McCreadie, Narelle O’Dwyer and Margaret Lind with their winnings and to Rhonda Bosden, Bette Townsend and Fay Brunner with their runners up prizes . It was a long time coming but we got there in the end. Well played everyone .
Margaret Hickman