***Breaking News***

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Winter Shield

 Today, Tuesday 26/10/21, we were finally able to play our Winter Shield competition. It was played in beautiful spring weather which was a bonus.  It is a pairs competition with the teams being formed by a blind draw and is popular with our members.  The Shield is sponsored by our own Betty Troy and we thank her for her generosity and continued support of our Club.  The 2021 winners were Fay Brunner and Narelle O’Dwyer who are pictured at the presentation today with Betty Troy.

Next week is Melbourne Cup and mufti is mandatory with particular emphasis on your headwear!  Be creative. There will be sweeps and mystery prizes throughout the morning. It is also a turn around triples day being sponsored by Sue Staples( headwear creator extraordinaire). Look forward to seeing everyone at the Breakers Track .

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Our triples winners and runners up

 The top picture are our winners - Marg, Narelle and Marg Lind and the bottom picture, our runners up-Fay, Rhonda and Bette. 

2021 AGM

 Our 2021 AGM , has been moved to 9th November because of number restrictions at BCC.  Next Tuesday 26th October will see the running of Winter Shield. This is a pairs competition sponsored by Betty Troy .  It will be 3 bowl pairs with teams formed by blind draw. Contact Sue Staples or myself if you were not at bowls today and want to play next Tuesday.

It was a lovely day for bowls today and great to see so many members eager to get back to bowls . We were finally able to finalise our club triples ( held in Jun) by presenting the winners Margaret McCreadie, Narelle O’Dwyer and Margaret Lind with their winnings and to Rhonda Bosden, Bette Townsend and Fay Brunner with their runners up prizes . It was a long time coming but we got there in the end.  Well played everyone .

Margaret Hickman 

Saturday, 2 October 2021

Registering for bowls

 Hi everyone,

Our log in facility to enter our names for Tuesday bowls is not operational anymore , so you can message or ring Sue Staples ( 0407912294) or me ( 0439446150) to enter for Tuesday bowls. Thanks everyone 

Margaret Hickman 

Friday, 1 October 2021

Return to bowls - important updates

 Breakers Country Club will be reopening on the 11th October,2021.  We will be resuming bowls on 12th October but there are some important things our members need to have in place before they can enter the Club.

Firstly, you need to be a financial member of Breakers .  They are closing renewals on 8th October so you won’t be able to renew on the 11th at the Club as was previously thought.  You will need to do it online.

You need to have proof of double vaccination.  Unfortunately , it cannot be a letter from you GP. The reason for this , is there have been quite a number of forged documents found in the community.  There is a document you can get from Medicare .  Please let someone on the executive know if you are not sure what to do.

You will not need to go the pro shop before entering the Club .

We will have to enter the Club from the front entrance so Breaker’s staff can see these documents.  That will happen from 9 am on Tuesday. It could be a slow process for this to be completed properly, so we will  aim to be on the green by 10 am.

We are also going to collect our own fees, so no card facility will be available.  It would be appreciated if you could bring the right money - $15 if at all possible.

I am sure there will be more details to follow, but I am looking forward to seeing you all on the green, bowling again on 12th October.

Margaret Hickman