Tuesday, 14 December 2021
Another great Xmas party
Tuesday, 7 December 2021
Club Fours results
Our 2021 Club Fours were finalised today. The teams were Carol Russell, Toni Hosking, Denise Wickman and Margaret Hickman playing Margaret Lind, Barb Hilliard, Sandra Brammall and Narelle O’ Dwyer.
Narelle’s team were very worthy winners with the final score being 19-10 in their favour. They played consistently good bowls as they have done throughout the competition. Well done girls.
To my team, we tried our best and all had good bowls at times. Well done
2021 Club Pairs results
Our 2021 Club pairs have been played and the runners up were Narelle O ‘Dwyer and Sandra Brammall. Our winners were Margaret Hickman and Kim Trethewy.
Tuesday, 30 November 2021
It’s December already!
Getting closer and closer to Xmas which means we must be due for another of our very enjoyable Xmas parties! We will be singing , dancing and eating our way to a good time on Tuesday 15 th December from about 11am. There may be time for a celebratory drink or two as well.
We have completed our Club pairs and Club 4’s start on Thursday so we are doing well to complete most of our major competitions for 2021. We will play Summer Shield early next year.
No play on Tuesday 28th December as it’s a public holiday but bowls on 4 th January for those who are still around on the Coast.
Hope to see some spectators on Thursday and for the rain to hold off for us.
Monday, 8 November 2021
Our 2021 AGM will be held tomorrow at Breakers. Arrive at Club at 9.am for meeting starting at 9.30 am. Weather permitting, we will bowl after the meeting concludes. I hope to see you all there.
Margaret Hickman
Tuesday, 2 November 2021
Melbourne cup day
Tuesday, 26 October 2021
Winter Shield
Today, Tuesday 26/10/21, we were finally able to play our Winter Shield competition. It was played in beautiful spring weather which was a bonus. It is a pairs competition with the teams being formed by a blind draw and is popular with our members. The Shield is sponsored by our own Betty Troy and we thank her for her generosity and continued support of our Club. The 2021 winners were Fay Brunner and Narelle O’Dwyer who are pictured at the presentation today with Betty Troy.
Next week is Melbourne Cup and mufti is mandatory with particular emphasis on your headwear! Be creative. There will be sweeps and mystery prizes throughout the morning. It is also a turn around triples day being sponsored by Sue Staples( headwear creator extraordinaire). Look forward to seeing everyone at the Breakers Track .Tuesday, 19 October 2021
Our triples winners and runners up
The top picture are our winners - Marg, Narelle and Marg Lind and the bottom picture, our runners up-Fay, Rhonda and Bette.
2021 AGM
Our 2021 AGM , has been moved to 9th November because of number restrictions at BCC. Next Tuesday 26th October will see the running of Winter Shield. This is a pairs competition sponsored by Betty Troy . It will be 3 bowl pairs with teams formed by blind draw. Contact Sue Staples or myself if you were not at bowls today and want to play next Tuesday.
It was a lovely day for bowls today and great to see so many members eager to get back to bowls . We were finally able to finalise our club triples ( held in Jun) by presenting the winners Margaret McCreadie, Narelle O’Dwyer and Margaret Lind with their winnings and to Rhonda Bosden, Bette Townsend and Fay Brunner with their runners up prizes . It was a long time coming but we got there in the end. Well played everyone .
Margaret Hickman
Saturday, 2 October 2021
Registering for bowls
Hi everyone,
Our log in facility to enter our names for Tuesday bowls is not operational anymore , so you can message or ring Sue Staples ( 0407912294) or me ( 0439446150) to enter for Tuesday bowls. Thanks everyone
Margaret Hickman
Friday, 1 October 2021
Return to bowls - important updates
Breakers Country Club will be reopening on the 11th October,2021. We will be resuming bowls on 12th October but there are some important things our members need to have in place before they can enter the Club.
Firstly, you need to be a financial member of Breakers . They are closing renewals on 8th October so you won’t be able to renew on the 11th at the Club as was previously thought. You will need to do it online.
You need to have proof of double vaccination. Unfortunately , it cannot be a letter from you GP. The reason for this , is there have been quite a number of forged documents found in the community. There is a document you can get from Medicare . Please let someone on the executive know if you are not sure what to do.
You will not need to go the pro shop before entering the Club .
We will have to enter the Club from the front entrance so Breaker’s staff can see these documents. That will happen from 9 am on Tuesday. It could be a slow process for this to be completed properly, so we will aim to be on the green by 10 am.
We are also going to collect our own fees, so no card facility will be available. It would be appreciated if you could bring the right money - $15 if at all possible.
I am sure there will be more details to follow, but I am looking forward to seeing you all on the green, bowling again on 12th October.
Margaret Hickman
Monday, 20 September 2021
Funeral notice
The funeral for Charles Henderson will be on Wednesday 22 nd September and will be live streamed at the following link.
HTTPS:/palmdalegroup.com.au/scheduled-funerals-greenway. There is more information on the Breakers Country Club website if you check there as well.
Monday, 13 September 2021
Sad news today
Saturday, 28 August 2021
Getting ready
Wednesday, 7 July 2021
Renew your membership
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
Latest refuge donations
Sunday, 27 June 2021
Bowling news.
Good morning everyone,
It would have been a beautiful morning to join together on the greens today for Sunday bowls but as you are aware , all bowls is cancelled because of lock down till 10th July . You may want to contact the pro shop if you feel like a roll up as I think that is still a possibility but check with pro shop first.
Because we missed last Tuesday with wet weather and now the lockdown, we have not officially announced the results of the final of the Club Triples played last Thursday 17th July,2021. I am pleased to announce on behalf of Match, that the winners for 2021 are Narelle O’Dwyer, Margaret Lind and Margaret McCreadie with a score of 25/13. The very worthy runners up are Bette Townsend, Fay Brunner and Rhonda Bosden. The score does not really indicate the closeness of the game as both team battled with some cross winds. Our Club certainly appreciates all the players for their efforts but in particular Fay and Bette for supporting the competitions. They continue to inspire us and prove that you are never too old to get out on the green.
This Tuesday 29/6/21, is Rhonda Bosden’s last day as a member of our Club and I am very sad that we will not be together to thank her for12 years of membership many of which she has spent on Selection , as Vice President and recently as Treasurer. We will miss her but know that her decision to leave us and head to Bateau Bay ( just over the road from her house ) is the right one for her at this time. We hope to see her back with us occasionally and we will head up to visit and hopefully play, with her at Bateau Bay.
Another long serving member who has finally had to pack away her bowls is Gaye Bryant. Gaye joined our Club in 1989 and has won many of our championships. Unfortunately, ill health has meant she will not renew her membership this year and on behalf of all of us I wish her all the best in the future.
Fingers crossed , we will bowl again on Tuesday 13/7/21. Spend this break making contact with pairs partners - entries close on 20/7/21.
Thank you everyone for your support of our Club. Hope to see you all soon.
Tuesday, 22 June 2021
Saturday, 12 June 2021
Mounties presentation to sub clubs
On Wednesday night 16/6/21, Sue Perdriau and I will be attending a presentation from Mounties about the proposed amalgamation. The meeting is specifically aimed at the sub clubs of Breakers. If you have any questions about how this will affect our bowling Club , can you give it to either me or Sue ? You can email or sms or write it out on ( shock horror) a piece of paper and we will do our best to get an answer for you .
Wednesday, 2 June 2021
Annual General Meeting
Our AGM is fast approaching - 20th July is the date set down in your diaries. You will be receiving information from Sue and also nomination forms which close on 15th June - yes, that’s right, very soon. As you know , all positions are up for grabs . Please think about what you can do to help. We will have a vacancy in the Treasurer’s position as Rhonda has decided to step down , and Phyllis is offering up her position to someone new. Both these members have been hard workers for the Club and we thank them very much for their contributions.
It would be wonderful to have some new faces on our committee. Everyone brings something special and unique into these situations and we are more than ready to help you wherever we can.
I will be speaking more about this at next week’s meeting but our Club needs you to give some thought to what you can do to help out.
Bowls for Others is a charity we have supported for many years and we allocate a donation of $100 each year. We raise this mainly by collecting all those pesky 5 cent pieces out of our wallets so it’s time for you to clean those handbags out, check down the back of the lounge etc and bring them in. Bette Townsend can tell you more about the charity and who it supports with our donations.
Good luck to our bowlers who are playing in Villages day on Friday. Fingers crossed for good weather.
Monday, 24 May 2021
State carnival report
Last week, a team from Breakers packed our bowls and travelled up to Forster to join another 900 or so Women for the State Carnival. Kim, Phyllis, Sue and I had a very successful carnival, winning 3 out of our 6 games and being the daily section winner for our last day at Taree. We played games at Tuncurry, Buladelah and Taree. Good games and good company . Lots of compliments ( as usual) about our uniforms. Thanks to Sue for organising lovely accomodation in Forster . Not sure where next carnival will be - they are still in negotiations for this but we will certainly be going again and would love some more Breakers people to come with us so we can wander the town or restaurants in a pack of 8 ! Start saving your money now.
Booking seats for Elsie’s Project fundraiser on 19/6/21 at Wamberal Surf Club. Dinner, magic and music! $60 per ticket - sms me on 0439446150 this week .
See you all Tuesday for amalgamation vote and then best of luck to Pennant team in our washed out game against Bateau Bay on Tuesday as well.
Wednesday, 12 May 2021
Just a reminder
During pennants, we have only been paying the green fees. We hope you have enjoyed the free tea and coffee ☕️🫖 and the pennant teams really have appreciated your support as we have played our games .
Now our home pennant games are over , we will go back to $15 which will also means the lucky door prize will be up for grabs as well as the winning and losing rinks.
Don’t forget the Lion’s Club fundraising dinner for Elsie’s retreat. It’s on 19th June at Wamberal Surf Club . SMS me if you would like to come along.
Our donated quilt, which we raffled during the pennant season was won by Narelle O’Dwyer and the cushions by Betty Troy. Thank you everyone for your support of the raffle - we raised $260.
Sunday, 9 May 2021
Happy Mother’s Day
Happy Mother’s Day to everyone. Enjoy being looked after and a special thank you to those who are looking after their Mums at this stage of their journey. To those of us who do not have a mum physically with us anymore, we enjoy the special memories we have and keep them close to us in our hearts.
Thursday, 6 May 2021
Club triples
Next Tuesday, 11th May, Match will be posting the entry form for our Club Triples which will start on 8th June. Time for you to get those diaries out , check your availability and get organised ! It will be great for the Match Committee to have lots of entries. You can always put out those feelers- don’t wait for someone to approach you if you want to play. The format is 3 bowl triples and 18 ends.
See you all on Tuesday . Our pennant team will be at home playing Avoca so we have our fingers crossed for good games and good weather .
Friday, 30 April 2021
Special General Meeting - Postal Vote
Good morning everyone,
We have set a date for our Special General Meeting to vote on the unification of the 2 State bodies - Women’s Bowls NSW and Men’s Bowls NSW . It will take place on Tuesday 25th May after our bowls. If you know you will not be at bowls on that day, you can let me know and I can send you a postal vote which will need to get back to me ( or someone on the committee) by the 25th May.
You may also have heard about a fun night that is being organised by Terrigal Lion’s Club on Saturday 19th June at Wamberal Surf Club. It is raising funds for Elsie’s Retreat and Project and a children’s cancer charity. The tickets cost $60 which includes dinner and entertainment. I am interested in making up a table so you can message or ring me on 0439446150 or talk to me at bowls.
Our Grade 3 pennant team had another win yesterday which was very exciting.
Enjoy the beautiful weather .
Wednesday, 31 March 2021
Green fees during pennants
Good morning everyone,
Our Pennant Season starts on Tuesday 13th April . All social players will still need to log in on our website as we have been doing but the good news is , you will only need to pay $11 each week for the 5 weeks that pennants is on. Tea and coffee will be complimentary , rink prizes will still be drawn and you can purchase tickets in a lovely quilt that has been donated to us. The quilt raffle will be drawn at the end of pennants.
Thank you to everyone who has offered to step in and help while our pennant players are doing us proud out on the green. We know they will do a great job representing us all.
Margaret Hickman
Thursday, 11 March 2021
Next Tuesday , 16th March, we are scheduled to have Forum. If you remember this is instead of a quarterly meeting. After we come in from bowls if there are any questions, suggestions, comments that you would like to put forward, could you send a message to me or to Sue Perdriau , just giving us your name so we have an idea of how to organise things . If it’s a question - can you give us an idea of what you are asking about so we can do some research and give you the right information.
It’s a great opportunity for you to make suggestions, nothing is too trivial. Please ask away!
See you all on Tuesday.
Tuesday, 9 March 2021
Wednesday, 3 March 2021
35 th birthday
Hi everyone.
Can you please wear club uniform next Tuesday 9/3/21. We will be taking some photos , so it will be great if we can all wear uniform.
Hoping to see everyone there,
Thursday, 18 February 2021
Birthday celebrations
On 9th March 2021, we are celebrating our 35th birthday. We will be cutting a cake and blowing out candles. If you are a past player and would like to join us for this celebration after bowls, could you let us know ?
You can message me on 0439446150 or our secretary Sue Perdriau on 0418232769.
Quite a milestone.
New Singles Champion
Congratulations to our 2021 Singles Champion , Sandra Brammall. I missed watching a great game of bowls today between Sally Murphy and Sandra . I am told it was a close game 12/13 until a rain break was called. Sandra was able to rally and the final score was 25/13. I am sorry I missed it but congratulations to both players and to all the people who put their name down to enter, some for the first time. Well done everyone.
Big thankyou to markers and umpires. The championship can’t be played without you.
Wednesday, 27 January 2021
President v Patron’s Day 2nd February, 2021
Hi everyone.
Next Tuesday is President v Patron’s Day and you can wear mufti if you wish. Just enter online as usual. Am working out how I can “ fine tune” my president’s team. Perhaps I could try offering something to the selection team as they put the teams together???
Looking forward to a fun day. They always are , so hope to see you there. Just come along for lunch if you can’t make the bowls part. We would love to see you.
Tuesday, 26 January 2021
Australia Day bowls successfully completed!
A very big thank you to everyone who braved the heat and came along to our bowls today. We did not complete all the ends we had originally planned for , but everyone took care of themselves with lots of water . The lamingtons were a big a hit and enjoyed by all.
Thank you to all the committee people who helped make the day run smoothly- Pam , Denise and Margaret for organising the catering and raffles. To Sally and Anne for organising the teams from a very “fluid” set of numbers. To Rhonda and Phyllis for pitching in with ice, jugs water etc.
Also a big thankyou to Breakers Country Club and duty manager John for your help in making sure everything was there ,where it was supposed to be.
Happy Australia Day everyone
Monday, 25 January 2021
Australia Day bowls
Our Australia Day bowls will go ahead tomorrow but we will monitor the heat in line with weather policy. Lamingtons and meat raffles will go ahead at morning tea. Can you let us know if you have decided to not play by ringing myself or Anne Nichols so we can organise cards?
Margaret hickman ( 0439446150)
Sunday, 17 January 2021
Catching up on some news
Hi everyone,
It’s a beautiful sunny day today - let’s hope it stays that way for Tuesday. We also have a team going away to play District Fours tomorrow (Monday 18 th January). Good luck to Carol Russell, Sue Staples, Kim Trethewy and myself) . We hope the Ettalong greens are to our liking.
AUSTRALIA DAY BOWLS - as 26 th January falls on a Tuesday this year, we are hosting a mixed triples day .Remember to enter on line by Sunday 24 th so our selectors can look at numbers. We need them to be divisible by 6 so there is the chance you may be a reserve. Looking forward to my Lamington for morning tea. Lots of raffle prizes up for grabs as well.
Sunday morning bowls - be there 8.30 for 9 am start. An earlier start than previously.
The 2nd Tuesday of each month has been opened to members of Breakers Bowling Club . We hope to see many of their members join us for some bowls .
Last but not least, remember your mask when you go down to pro shop to pay your money and well done everyone on mastering ( mostly) the QR code checkin and check outs. You are all doing very well!!
Enjoy the beautiful weather