***Breaking News***

Thursday, 28 April 2022

Rescheduled Autumn carnival

Breakers Bowling Club has rescheduled their Autumn Carnival Charity Day for Saturday 21st May. Entry to the club by 11.45 am for a short sponsor presentation, followed by a game of bowls. There will be a $10 bucket drop to raise money for Central Coast Kids in Need. The charity supports families who have children in need of medical services.  

You can enter through Breakers Bowling Club website or Team App.  It is a very worthy cause and well worth supporting the day. 

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Generous donation

 Thankyou everyone for your generous contributions today.  I have made a donation of $100 to the Emergency Action Alliance which will channel those funds to various Australian charities working in The Ukraine. They have made a pledge that 90  % of all donations will go direct to the charities e.g. Caritas .  There will always be an amount of money needed to process the donations .  

Good luck to the 2 teams heading off to the State Carnival based around The Shoalhaven area next week.  I know they will do us proud.

Minor Singles entry is now open.  It is a great way to experience a game of singles, so put your name down on the entry form at bowls or ring Kim Trethewy to add your name. 

Renewal notices for 2022  will come out soon . The Management Committee has set our fee for the year to  be $90.  $70 of that amount goes to Nsw Bowls, $5 to Central Coast District and the remainder stays with us to use in our Club. All fees will be paid at the Front Desk at Breakers but NOT until you receive your Renewal notice.  

Thanks again for your support .  We had a good day on the green today but an even better one , enjoying each other’s company and support.  Well done everyone .

Monday, 25 April 2022

Breakers vs Forresters Day

 On Friday 13th May, Breakers bowlers will play against Forrester’s Beach Retirement Village bowlers in their annual challenge.  It will be triples format with a start time of 9.30 am. Entry is through Breakers Bowling Club team app or website. Always a fun day.  

Friday, 15 April 2022

Tyrepower Quad Day

 The next Tyrepower Quad Day is set down for Monday 9 th May at Breakers. Entries will open soon, so keep checking the Breakers Bowling Club website or Team App. Team entries only and it will fill quickly if you wish to enter.  $25 for the day and 3 games.