***Breaking News***

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Keeping in touch 26/5/20

Hi everyone,

It is good to see that people are booking in for roll ups at Breakers. The system seems to be working well. Let me know if you need any information.  
Just some updates on club news. As you know, we have been collecting bread tags and I dropped off about a kilo just after we went into lockdown. I am hoping you have all been saving over the last 9 weeks and I will need a trolley to carry the next lot off to the collection point.
I sent $200 off to Kara Cottage - thank you for your generous donations - it was to be used to replace toys in the refuge.

I received an email from WBNSW to say there are ongoing meetings happening about amalgamation. I hope they are able to give us some guidelines soon.
Our secretary, Sue Perdriau and myself , have been busy making enquires about how our AGM will happen this year. As you know , it is scheduled for July , but this may not be possible. It WILL happen as soon as possible. Plenty of time for you to be thinking about nominating for positions. All positions are up for grabs so think about what you might like to do for our Club.

Time for my joke of the week   —  “ I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes..... She gave me a hug! “. 
Stay safe

Let’s talk Bowls with Suzy

ARE YOU AWARE...no shots scored..

1...If your bowl and the opposition's bowl are both resting on the Jack....neither team score a shot for that end....BUT the end is counted as a completed end on the score card....

1a...when measuring for the shot and both bowls are equal distance from the Jack...then no shot scored...BUT the end is counted as a completed end on the score card..

1b...if there are no live  bowls on your rink BUT the Jack is live....the END is counted as a completed end on the score card..but no shots scored...

Bowl displacement

...Team A,s lead delivers her bowl and and it hits the foot of her skip...but does not disturb the head....

Q...What would you do as the opposing skip..

A...The opposing skip MUST declare the bowl dead.....Law

..If the bowl delivered by Team A,s lead hits her skips foot then disturbes the head...

Q....What would you do as the opposing skip..

A...The opposing skip must replace the head back to its former position..law.
And declare the bowl dead..law.

Learning Laws can be fun..😊
Till next Tuesday....keep safe...
If you have any questions...please post them..

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Let's talk Bowls with Suzy

Good morning all.....Beautiful sunny Tuesday..🌞..hopefully won,t be long too long before we can hit those greens bowling....
Sets the platform for the team.
Rolls the Jack to where the skip wants.
Aim is to Draw both bowls close to the Jack as possible (within 1 metre )
Find the kindest hand and stick with it..
Your role ...build the head...
Helps the lead build the head and gives the team foundation to build from, is able to consolidate when holding shot and can retrieve the situation when the lead fails..
It is usually only after the seconds bowls have been played that the skip determines whether to call for attacking shots or whether to be careful and defensive with the remaining bowls to be played...
Skips assistant ,communicator between skip and team...TEAM motivator , should be aware of changes or opportunities that may present themselves while in control of the head...
Advise the skip on what shots to play IF asked.
Trust your skips calls.
Be aware of any changes to the head..
Be a good tactician.
Skip should create calm and confidience in the team .
Direct the head with confidence, play the team to their individual strenghts and weaknesses.
Encouragement to the team will always get the best results....

NOTES FROM KAREN MURPHY when she held a her clinic:
Team play can be very rewarding...
Each player has their role...
Play your role.
Enjoy the game as part of a team...
Every team member is as important as each other.....

TILL NEXT TUESDAY...take care ,keep smiling

Keeping in touch 19th May

Good morning everyone,
Early reminder to send birthday wishes to Jean Fortis  for 29 th May.  She is not on Facebook or our club website.
Some big changes for us all in the last week.  I have enjoyed drinking a coffee out of a proper cup, instead of a takeaway, from my favourite coffee shop.  However, as you would all realise, we still have to take care when we venture out into the “big, wide world”.  Not enjoying the increased number of cars on the road.
WBNSW issued something new guidelines to come into effect on 15th May. They include allowing 4 people to a rink, but still keeping  numbers to 10 on the green. If you are having a roll up, check with Breakers when you book .
Some good exercise programs for over 60’s on BA website or Growing Young Exercise program by Bill Dooley.  Easy to do at home. We need to keep up our muscle tone for our return to bowls!
Let’s finish  off with some breaking news- A police van carrying 12 convicts has crashed into a cement mixer.  Police are now looking for a dozen hardened criminals!
Stay safe everyone

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Let’s talk Bowls with Suzy

Good morning girls.. sadly another Tuesday slipping by..rugged up this chilly morning thinking about you all..


Indication of a live Jack and a Toucher in the ditch....

THE JACK....Law 18.2..
1...the position of a live Jack in the ditch must be marked by a white indicator,  immediately in line with the jack..AS WELL as the indicator , if the surface in the ditch  is sand you can draw lines around the jack, if the surface is synthetic, the lines can be drawn in chalk...

2...the position of the Toucher in the ditch must be marked by a brightly coloured indicator,  immediately in line with the toucher,
AS WELL as the indicator,  if the surface in the ditch is sand you can draw lines around toucher, if the surface is synthetic,  the lines can be drawn in chalk.....
...food for thought..

...  By  drawing lines around the Jack or Toucher in the ditch it can help to give  a truer indication of where to replace  the Jack or Toucher  if moved by a non - toucher entering the ditch...

L..21.1....If a Jack at rest on the rink , is driven against the face of the bank and rebounds onto the rink of play...play will continue in that end.
L...21.2...When the  Jack is at rest in the ditch , it is moved by a toucher and this takes it back onto the rink of play...play will continue in that end.

Till next Tuesday...😊 let's keep it together...

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Happy mother’s day

I am posting this on Mother’s Day 2020 .  A very different day for us all but I know we will all be able to share some time with our families either in person or by a link of some kind.  It has been very special being able to share in your family news over the years, watching people become first time grandparents or hearing of news from children as well.  Big congratulations to all the members who help out with nieces, nephews etc. You all do a very important job in caring for your families.  We have also shared many stories of our families caring for us and we are all very grateful for that , more so than ever in the situation we are now in.
Remember to indoctrinate all those children and grandchildren about our great game of bowls- we need to keep our memberships growing!!
Enjoy your celebrations whenever and wherever they are

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Keeping in touch 6th May

One day, a little girl was sitting ,watching her mother do the dishes at the sink.  She suddenly noticed her mother had several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast to her other brunette hair,
She looked at her mother inquisitively, and asked,
 “Why are some of your hairs white, Mum?” Her mother replied ,
“ Well, every time that you do something wrong and make me cry or be unhappy, one of my hairs turns white”.
The little girl thought about this revelation for a while and then said,
“Mum,  how come all of grandma’s hairs are white?”

The moral of the story is , be careful what you say as it could come back to bite you!!
Stay safe everyone

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Let’s talk bowls with Suzy

Good morning all..not quite that beautiful sunny morning to be up early and ready for bowls...we can all stay in bed an extra hour this morning..

Playing another person's bowl....

1...If a player plays another person's bowl instead of their own , the  other players bowl must be replaced with the players own bowl.( it is not replayed ).
a....if the wrong  bowl played was marked as a toucher, the players own bowl must be marked as a toucher..
b....if the wrong bowl played was a dead bowl in the ditch or out of bounds , then the players own bowl would be treated as a dead bowl.

...Be Aware...some bowls are similar in colour and same emblems...check you bowls...

Delivering the jack..

LAW...9.5....If, before a bowl has been played by each team , a player notices that the wrong team has delivered the jack, then ,the correct team will restart the end...
LAW...9.6....If, after a bowl HAS  been played by each team , a player notices that the wrong team has delivered the jack , play in that end  must continue in that order...

Keep focused on the.game....

Till next Tuesday...happy learning.😊

Friday, 1 May 2020

Roll ups alllowed

WBNSW  have announced the relaxation of rules concerning roll ups. Breakers Country Club had announced late last week that they would be opening up the greens for roll ups. You can book a rink through the pro shop for one and half hrs at a cost of $10 for each player. A limit of 2 players per rink. There are strict social distancing guidelines  that must be followed but it will be a chance to get out and have a bowl. Pro shop number is 43845691.