***Breaking News***

Monday, 30 March 2020

Keeping in touch

Hi everyone and welcome to my first Keeping in Touch post.  I hope you are all ok and adapting to our new situation. Three weeks since our bowls finished but I am sure you have found many clever ways of filling in your time.
The latest news from District was that they still needed our pennant teams. This was a bit of a surprise! We replied that we had already completed our VIRTUAL pennant games and that we had won both Grade 3 and Grade 4.  Presentation of our VIRTUAL flags is still to confirmed.
I will keep you informed on any news from District or WBNSW as it comes in but let us know if you need any help or have ideas for my Keeping in Touch posts.
Keep your eyes open for a Lets Talk about Bowls newsletter from Sue Staples. It is in the pipeline.
Cheers everyone

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

It’s Tuesday!

Missing my bowls today but hope that everyone is OK. Let us know if you need anything. You have all our phone numbers and we need to look after each other.

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Thought of the day

Having trouble trying to be positive today!  However, I have cleaned out my pantry- should have some interesting combinations but no one will starve. No morning tea next week everyone. Stay happy.

Friday, 20 March 2020

Thought for today

There are some positives out of this covid-19 situation
* air pollution has plummeted in China and Italy. Millions of tonnes of CO2 have not gone into the atmosphere.
*the Grand Canal in Venice is the cleanest it has been in years ( shame we can’t get to go and see it )
* distilleries in America  and here are making hand sanitiser to cover shortages. They are still making their gin and whisky.
* you are saving lots of money - no green fees!!
                                  ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE🤩🤩

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Thought of the Day

In 1665-1666 England was hit by the Black Death! Sir Isaac Newton self isolated in his home, Woolsthorpe Manor .  During  that year he invented calculus, discovered that white light is made up of every colour and watched apples fall from his apple tree and theorised the concept of gravity! I am not putting too much pressure on you girls, but think what amazing things we can come up with now we have all this free time. 😜😜(I don’t think he would have thought about toilet paper).
This is first “ thought of the day “. Send me any ideas you have for more. If you leave it up to me it could be anything!

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

When you are desperate!

Hello everyone. I have just googled virtual lawn bowls and a really good game comes up. Not the same as being on the green but we are in desperate times. I think you will become addicted too! 🤪
Morning tea next Tuesday at the Club at 10.30 if you are interested . cheers.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Major Singles Champion 2020

The final of our Major Singles competition was played on Tuesday, 3/2/2020
Well done to our Runner Up Barbara Hilliard and congratulations to our new
Club Champion Margaret Hickman