***Breaking News***

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Breakers Big Day

Loads of awards and winners on our big day. A day to acknowledge our champions and our runners up along with all participants, especially our workers who make our club successful and happy!

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Shield Stars

Patron Bette Townsend presented the Summer Shield (sponsored by Jill King) to the worthy winners Jill Emmerson, Phyllis Betterridge, and Judy Cameron.  The win was the first for Jill at our club, but not the last!  Well done everyone!

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Consistency Champ 2017

Fay Sims and Julie Cox entertained us in a superb finals performance which kept us enthralled till the last bowl came to rest.  Final score was Julie 131 and Fay 129!  Congratulations to Julie Cox on her second successive Consistency title and to Fay Sims who was Runner Up last year as well.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Monday, 26 June 2017

NSW President Maryann Parcell Speaks!

Almost 100 bowlers from all the clubs on the Central Coast came to our club to hear NSW President Maryann Parcell tell us her vision for the future of our sport.  Of course, Maryann was not there just to speak - she was also there to listen.  And she did. Her enthusiasm for the sport is infectious and we were all so pleased she came! 

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Monday, 5 June 2017

Winners Are Grinners!

Our annual Hen and Chicken 3 Bowl Pairs event saw 28 teams contest for Prize Money totalling $250 donated by Megasave Chemist Erina.  Prizes were presented by our club Patron Bette Townsend.  Visiting clubs were Avoca Beach, Canton Beach, Woy Woy, Gosford City and Terrigal.  The winners were Narelle O'Dwyer and Barbara Hilliard from Breakers, Runners Up were Glenda McCaffree and Dallas Hughes from Terrigal, and in third place were Lyndall Hegarty and Valerie Davis from Terrigal.  Our lucky raffle winners are pictured above.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Our Julie is CCDWBA Singles Runner Up!

Not since 2008, when Maureen Lee from Wamberal won the CCDWBA District Singles, has our club had a finalist in the District Singles Championships.  Today, at Everglades Club, Julie Cox not only advanced to the final with a win over Tess Koutsellis from Terrigal 25-21 but came close to achieving a dream and winning the championship.  In an exciting match with Margaret Smith, NSW Singles Champion, Julie performed outstandingly to become Runner Up to Margaret 25-17. Congratulations to you, Julie, we are so proud of you!

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Monday, 24 April 2017

ANZAC Day 2017

ANZAC Day Bowls will see for the first time our Men's Cub invited to join in on Ladies Day for Social Bowls.  We will play our games at 9.30am and pause to attend the Remembrance Service at BCC at 11.00 am, afterwards we will complete our game and then join together for lunch.  Our Diggers would be proud!

Post Sectional Playoffs 2017

Our Grade 3 Pennant Side finished number 3 of 24 teams in the 2017 State Pennant Competition at District Level.  Well done, girls! They only lost 2 games in the entire season and represented their club with distinction.  Maybe next year the flag will come home with us!

Sue Staples, Carol Allis, Phyllis Betterridge, Sally Murphy, Margaret McCreadie, Julie Cox, Lesley Mason and Margaret Hickman

Friday, 14 April 2017

Grade Four Pennant Season Completed

Our valiant Grade 4 side went down to Bateau Bay 1 - 4 in their last match of the 2017 Pennant season. An exciting match fought out till the end - we are so proud of them all. Congratulations to Golden Hind Grade 4 who have won this section and will proceed to the Post Sectional Playoffs to be held at Wyong next Wednesday and Thursday.  We wish all participants every success and good bowling.  For all the photos click HERE

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Grade 3 and 4 Bring Home the Points!

Our Grade 3 and Grade 4 Pennant sides won their Round 5 games today in fine fashion.  3's had a 5-0 win over Everglades and 4's had a 5-0 win over Terrigal.  All results can be viewed in the Pennant section, just click on the tab at the top.

Our Grade 3 side achieved an 8 pin on the last end of the match, but the most important thing was the 5 points and the shot margin they add to their points table.  Well done ALL players today! Let's keep this momentum going!  Pink Power!

Monday, 20 March 2017

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Monday, 13 February 2017

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Club Fours Championships Decided

Congratulations to our new Fours Champions for 2017 - Yvonne Sargent (sub for Shirley Coolican), Linda McGrath, Lesley Mason and Margaret McCreadie (skip).  Congratulations also to our Fours Runners Up for 2017 -  Eileen Martin, Betty Troy, Julie Cox and Carol Allis (skip).  The final score was M McCreadie 23, C Allis 9.

Well played all entrants in this competition which was played under very trying circumstances in extreme heat and then rain.  Round 1 was abandoned due to extreme heat and completed 2 days later. The Semi Finals were also abandoned due to rain and completed 2 days later, followed by the Final the same afternoon. Co operation and good sportsmanship prevailed and our club is the stronger for it.  Presentations will be made at a later date.  Thanks to our Match Committee for a successfully completed competition.  It is never easy when the weather interferes as it did in this case.

Monday, 30 January 2017

2017 Pennant Teams Announced

Our Reserves are:

Judy Brean, Fay Brunner, Pam Dring, Jean Fortis, Sheila Heald, Gaie Keating, Fay Sims, Yvonne Sargent and Betty Troy.